| 1962


Kustin, A. (1962). The historical sites of Saaremaa and Muhu from the start of feudalism (from the 11th century until the start of the 13th century). (EST: Saaremaa ja Muhu muistised feodalismi tärkamise perioodist (11. sajandist kuni 13. sajandi alguseni). Dissertation. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Ajaloo Instituut. Tallinn, 1962, 1–2 volume. 588 p. + 7 drawings and 84 tables.

Text was digitalized by: Marge Konsa and Ragnar Saage. Institute of History and Archaeology, 2012.
Read the dissertation (EST): here.

Liiv, I. (1962). About shared herding in Saaremaa (EST: Ühiskarjatamisest Saaremaal). Etnograafia Muuseumi Aastaraamat XVIII, Tartu.

Read the article (EST): here

Kustin, A. (1962). Randvere burial site in Saaremaa. (EST: Randvere kivikalmistu Saaremaal.) – Muistsed kalmed ja aarded. Arheoloogiline kogumik II. (toim.) Harri Moora.
Read the article (EST): here.

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