| 2016


Tamla, Ü. (2016). Ristimäe stone grave on the island of Muhu. Archaeological Fieldwork in Estonia, 121−126.

Loe artiklit (EST kokkuvõtte lk 126): siin.

Mägi, M.; Riiel-Mürk, R.; Jets, I. (2016). Archaeological fieldwork at Viidumäe cult site. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2015, 89−96.
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Mägi, M. (2016). The origin of Rus’ and the question of Balto-Finnic role in this process. In: Jackson, T. (Ed.). The Earliest States of Eastern Europe. Old Rus’ and Medieval Europe: the Origin of States. (231−257). Moscow: Dmitriy Pozharskiy University.

Loe artiklit: siin.

Sperling, U. (2016). Bronze Age Connections across the Baltic Sea: Discussing Metalwork as Source of Maritime Contacts in Prehistory. In: Hein Bjartmann Bjerck (Ed.). Marine Ventures – Archaeological Perspectives on Human-Sea Relations (399−416). Sheffield: Equinox Publishing. DOI: 10.1558/equinox.24570.

Loe artiklit: siin.

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