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Mägi-Lõugas, M. (1996). Archaeological Excavations at Tõnija Tuulingumäe, Saaremaa. In: Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Humanities and Social Sciences = Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Humanitaar- ja sotsiaalteadused, 45, 4 (427-433). Tallinn. 

Loe artiklit: siin.

Ligi, P.; Mägi, T.; Peets, J. (1996). The Lihulinn Sronghold in North-Western Saaremaa. In: Hackens, T., Hicks, S., Lang, V., Miller, U., & Saarse, L., (eds.) (Ed.). Coastal Estonia. Recent Advances in Enviromental and Cultural History (21−29). Strasbourg: Council of Europe; Rixensart: PACT Belgium. (PACT; 51).

Loe artiklit: siin.

Peets, J. (1996). Forschungen in Gebiet der Rauasaatmemäed von Tuiu in Saaremaa (Estland). The Importance of the Ironmaking. Technical Innovation and Social Change II. Papers presented at the Norberg Conference on May 8–13, 1995. Stockholm. Stockholm: Jernkontorets Bergshistoriska Utskott, 49−57.

Loe artiklit (GER): siin.

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