Mägi, M. (2014, 2020). The Burial and Cult Site of Saunamäe. Report on the Excavations of 2012-2014. (EST: Saunamäe kalme ja kultuskoht. Kaevamiste aruanne 2012-2014.) Tallinn University. Copenhagen-Tallinn.
Read the report (EST): here.
Mägi, M.; Allmäe, R.; Riiel, R.; Karro, K.; Limbo-Simovart, J. (2015). Archaeological excavations at Bronze Age grave and 6th – 10th century cult site at Saunamäe, Tõnija-Põlluküla, southern Saaremaa. Arheoloogilised välitööd Eestis = Archeological fieldwork in Estonia, 2014, 79−96.
Read the article: here.
Here are two following articles:
- Mägi, M. (2014). The Beginning of the Viking Age at Saaremaa. Where Were Ancient Inhabitants of Saaremaa Buried? (In Estonian: Viikingiaja algus Saaremaal. Kuhu maeti muistsed saarlased?) Saarte Hääl (10−10). (11.10.2014).
- II part, Marika, M. (2014). The Beginning of the Viking Age at Saaremaa. Were There Human Sacrifices? (In Estonian: Viikingiaja algus Saaremaal. Kas inimesi ohverdati?) Saarte Hääl (10−10). (18.10.2014).
Read the articles (EST): here.